AnaSep 74 minBut Who Is Really Keeping the Score?A deeper-than-toe-dip dive into the logic behind the zeitgeist expression 'the body keeps the score'. Applying Occam's razor and exploring o
AnaAug 315 minAre You Invested? A Primer In Sunk Cost Fallacy for Therapists.A reflection on cognitive biases in therapy. Thinking fast, thinking slow. Thinking high, thinking low. With a little dig in the end.
AnaAug 105 minZombie Theories In Psychotherapy and The Neuroscience MystiqueCan you spot any zombie theories in psychotherapy? Are you a fun of neuro-mystique? Let's find out.
AnaJul 224 minDr Jekyll And Mr Hyde In Therapy: How The Brain Lateralisation Captivated Our Collective ImaginationExploring the origins of left brain/right brain narrative. An invitation to think about the narratives we adopt as therapists.